Due to import/export laws, my Services are available only to USA residents. Thank you for understanding.

Mosin Action Service

$ 80.00 USD

Eliminates most sticky bolt.

You send your complete bolt,
ejector,  trigger, and sear to me, and I match the bolt body to the striker knob (cocking piece,) trigger to the sear, sear to the striker knob, and tune the extractor before shipping them back to you. This provides for smooth, precise operation, as was intended.

I also fit the
ejector for proper loading from stripper clips.

The order form and shipping information are here.

Bolt Fitting Service

$ 40 USD

Sale! Normally $50.

Eliminates most sticky bolt. When refurbished, Mosin bolts were often not properly fitted. This leads to sticky bolt and other issues.

You send your complete bolt to me, and I match the bolt body to the striker knob (cocking piece) and tune the extractor before shipping them back to you. This provides for very nice bolt operation, on par with the Gewehr 88 and Mauser rifles.

The order form and shipping information are here.

Ejector Fitting

$ 30 USD

You send your ejector to me, and I fit it to work with stripper clips before shipping it back to you. Stripper clip function is on par with Mauser 98 action after ejector fitting.

The order form and shipping information are here.

Match Your Trigger, Sear, and Bolt Knob

$ 50 USD

You send your trigger, sear and bolt knob to me, and I match them for smoothness and eliminate slack before shipping them back to you.

The order form and shipping information are here.

Match Trigger to Sear

$ 35.00 USD

You send your trigger and sear to me, and I match them for smoothness before shipping them back to you.

The order form and shipping information are here.

Match Sear to Bolt Knob

$ 35 USD

You send your sear and bolt knob to me, and I match them for smoothness before shipping them back to you.

The order form and shipping information are here.
- Testimonials -


The trigger, sear, and bolt knob service is an incredible value. Predictable, smooth amount of travel, but now with a rolling break. No more wall before the break. And best of all, my rifle is still drop safe. I've paired this with the shim kit and the gold standard front sight. You've made my Mosin build a 1-stop shop. -- Luis V.

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